Chief Executive’s welcome message

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the Water New Zealand Conference and Expo 2024 in Kirikiriroa Hamilton.

All of us know the important role of three waters in ensuring safe, healthy and liveable communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.  The success and year on year growth of our conferences reflect the growing interest and understanding of this.  2024 is looking to be no exception.

This Conference will again be a pivotal opportunity for us to come together as a water community and be part of key conversations about the future of this vital sector.  This summer we’ve been reminded again of the increasingly urgent need to set the course for a long-term resolution to our gaping infrastructure deficit.

We’ll be firmly focused on the latest thinking on innovation and technology, Te Mana o te Wai, resilience, sustainability and much more.

We also know how important it is for our members to stay connected. Exhibitors play a key role at our Conferences and I’m particularly pleased that this year at Claudelands we’ve been able to secure additional exhibition sites. We understand the disappointment of exhibitors who have missed these opportunities in the past.

2024 will be a dynamic and critical year and I look forward to catching up with everyone in September.

Ngā mihi nui
Gillian Blythe
Chief Executive, Water New Zealand

Toitū Net Carbonzero Event Operations Certification

Water New Zealand is proud to be working towards Toitū Net Carbon Zero – Event Operations certification for the Water New Zealand Conference & Expo 2024.

The Conference is all about creating sustainable outcomes, but at the same time we acknowledge that such events have environmental impacts. Therefore, we have taken steps to improve the sustainability of our events.

This year we will be measuring emissions from delegate, presenter and organisational travel, vehicle use, electricity and waste, to purchase carbon credits to this value. The certified carbon credits we are purchasing will be used in three ways – to storeavoid and reduce emissions.

Store: These are usually forestry projects – land specifically set aside for reforestation with strict covenants to ensure the forest remains permanent and is not harvested.

Avoid: These are usually energy generation projects that use renewable energy instead of fossil-fuels, such as wind farms.

Reduce: These are usually a form of technology that reduces the usual amount of emissions produced, for example efficient solar cook stoves that replace inefficient fossil-fuel burning stoves.

You can find out more about the projects funded by these carbon credits by clicking here.

We appreciate your support of this initiative and the future of Aotearoa.

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